Monday, December 11, 2006

public service announcement

"The game is rigged, man. We like those little bitches on the chessboard." - Bodie

And with that, the fourth season of HBO's "The Wire" has come to a close. It's brilliant. Incredibly brilliant. So amazing I think it may be the best season of any television show ever. I've talked it up a bit here and other places, but really, I'm hard-pressed to think of anything that holds up this well.

Seriously, if you have access to it, or HBO On Demand (or a receiver that works * sob *), check out all 13 hours. It's a committment, but if you don't get to the end of it and say, "Holy shit," I'll eat my hat. Not my Red Sox hat, because I like it and it's possibly sweaty, but something I haven't worn in a while. Still, hat.

Saturday, December 09, 2006


I swear to you, I was all ready to sing the praises of the television experience these days. I just spent the last three weeks or so catching up on the first two seasons of Battlestar Galatica. I borrowed season one from a friend, and then ordered the two season two sets off of DVD Deep Discount. It's not only a terrific sci-fi show (which are few and far between), but a great show period. After I finished season two on Friday, I was all ready to begin watching season three on my DVR, which I've been stockpiling on the machine since they started airing in October. Can you imagine watching television in such a way five years ago?

And then this morning the DVR died. Frak frak frakity frak frak. I didn't cry, but I came close. Thankfully, the show will have a marathon in a few weeks.

Incidently, for those of you who have seen BSG (and I'd recommend it, as it's really sharp at times), I, for one, would like to welcome our new robot overlords.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

"secular progressives"

I was watching this O'Reilly Factor clip off Pundit's site. About midway through an interview with Dem. Senator Barney Frank, "Papa Bear" gets in a heated arguement about the "secular progressives" attempt to place high taxes on the rich to redistribute the wealth to the poor.

Hmmm, who was the first guy that had that wacky idea of the rich helping the poor? Oh yeah, JESUS. There it is in Matthew's parable about the Rich Young Man, as Jesus tells a guy: "Sell what you have and give it to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven."

I tell ya, those progressives with their crazy secular ideas.