Monday, December 11, 2006

public service announcement

"The game is rigged, man. We like those little bitches on the chessboard." - Bodie

And with that, the fourth season of HBO's "The Wire" has come to a close. It's brilliant. Incredibly brilliant. So amazing I think it may be the best season of any television show ever. I've talked it up a bit here and other places, but really, I'm hard-pressed to think of anything that holds up this well.

Seriously, if you have access to it, or HBO On Demand (or a receiver that works * sob *), check out all 13 hours. It's a committment, but if you don't get to the end of it and say, "Holy shit," I'll eat my hat. Not my Red Sox hat, because I like it and it's possibly sweaty, but something I haven't worn in a while. Still, hat.

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