Tuesday, January 02, 2007

the long overdue update

I've been missing for a while, basically because I've been on vacation during the season. We didn't go anywhere, but between our family and friends, the past 10 days have been spent being shuttled from place to place, and it gets a bit hectic.

Any free time I get has been usually spent watching or reading whatever DVDs or books I got for Christmas. I tend to disconnect myself from the wireless world when I'm off, even to the extent where I don't follow the news. In fact, when the tsunami hit around this time two years ago, I had no idea what people were talking about when they brought it up.

But I did manage to find out Gerald Ford, James Brown and Saddam Hussein died right around the time they expired, so I had that going for me.

Anyhoo, the other thing occupying my time lately is the purchase of our new house, nestled in the quaint corner of the Town of Tonawanda a block from Buffalo and Kenmore. Well, the house isn't really new ... it will celebrate its 70th birthday this year, and there are assorted issues that come along with that. Still, everybody who would know that has looked at it says it's in great shape, so that brings me comfort, as my areas of expertise usually fall under "Who was a member of the Justice League and who was not," which is great at trivia games but not at replacing galvanized steel pipes with copper ones.

The long and short of it is, as of Feb. 1, the United States government will think I officially matter. Tentatively.

Oh, and by the way, I've realized getting quoted an interest rate is one thing. It's a whole other matter to actually look at what you'll be paying over the next 30 years. SWEET MERCIFUL CRAP, LORD JESUS and other assorted comments that wouldn't seem out of place in Deadwood floated through my mind when I saw the figure.

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