Sunday, January 07, 2007

WBEN and the blog ban

Considering all the shots WBEN is taking after the program director decided to slice the on-air throats of local bloggers, I would just like to say that I have never been banned from WBEN. I, in fact, have never even been invitied into the studio. I was on one independently-produced show, but I can't remember if it aired on WBEN or not, and it was most certainly not on the subject of blogging.

So this is me sticking metaphorical thumb into the eye of Wenger, Beach, Bauerle and whomever else was involved in the decision to ban the local bloggers. I stand tall with my fellow local bloggers, even though some of them have only been through here once or twice and most know not of this blog's existence, in saying, "This agression will not stand, Mr. Wenger! I will not appear on WBEN programming from now on! Good day to you sir!" Even though I've never actually been invited on.

Also, if two radio hosts, who make their living by criticizing anybody and anything they feel like, can't take their own heat, then they're pussies ... and they can put that in their call-in pipe and smoke it.

Of course, if I had a job in the media while seeing the rise of the Internet culture rapidly maketraditional outlets irrelevant, I'd be scared shitless for my career as well. Oh wait ...

1 comment:

Buffalowatchdog said...

Thanks for your support...

Here is your invite to Get off blogger and join us at

More of us would come everyday... garunteed!

not allowing anonymous comments dosn't help either :-)