Thursday, September 14, 2006

Nothing's going to stop us now

So we're starting to track down candidate names and address here at work, and I've been assigned to find out where Congressman Brian Higgins' opponent, Republican Michael McHale, mchails from. Now, I realize there have been reports that the dude recently declared bankrupcy and Steve McQueen'ed somebody who may or may not be related to Dennis Gorski, but you'd never know it from the visual dazzle that is his campaign Web site.

Oh, wait, that's right, he doesn't actually have one, or at least one anybody knows the address to. One would think that in a era of Google, running a campaign for a federal congressional district would at least require one silly home page from or something, but perhaps McHale is playing a deeper game than we all realize. Yes, sir, it's a play right out of Decision 1980, and I suspect it's going to be a long two months.

I tried calling the local Republican headquarters office for an address for McHale, but they don't have one either. "However, feel free to send it here and we'll be sure he gets it." Man, you can smell the success on this guy, yeah?

In other news, John Donnelly, Congresswoman Louise Slaughter's archfoe come November, has a Web site and a blog. He even wished the congresswoman a happy birthday. And no, it wasn't followed with any "cut the cake and run" advice from Donnelly for the longtime Democrat. Though it would have been awesome if he did.

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